Thursday, October 1, 2009

Area A1 Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contests

The Area A1 Humorous Speech & Evaluaion Contests will be held:
Date :Sat 3 Oct '09
Venue:2nd Flr Sumber Edaran (M) S/B,Plaza Melaka,Gajah Berang,Melaka.
Gate Fee:RM70 per club (A1) /Guest:RM10 pp

Role Players:
Co-Organizer:Ruby Yong
Contest Chair/TOE:Joshua Ling
Chief Judge:Azizah Abu Hassan
Timers:Michelle Wong/Jane Yeo
Tally Ctrs:Simah Ismail/William Tay
SAA:Henry Goh
Treasurer:Jenny Ng

Humorous Speech:
  1. Audrey Lim
  2. Ahmad Yusof
  3. Stefan Becker
  4. Ariff Imran
  1. Goh Guat Mui
  2. Audrey Lim
  3. Jaena Ong
  4. Stefan Becker
  5. Chong Chee Wah
  6. Kesavavarthini d/o Gerisnin

Good Luck to all the Contestants!

Azizah Abu Hassan

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